Saturday, June 15, 2024



Language gives us the ability to communicate to ourselves and others by thinking, talking, reading and writing.  Other species have some ability to communicate but none of them have language.  Once we learn a language, it becomes as automatic as breathing and we don’t give it much thought.  It’s been observed that the English language is difficult to learn because of all the subtle nuances of words and their understanding of both the sender and receiver.  I remember one brutal winter night in Kansas when we decided to prepare Chinese food for dinner.  When I volunteered to retrieve the Wok, our schnauzer immediately ran to the front door for her nightly walk!  That happens to us supposedly higher intelligence beings also.

I’ve spent some time pondering over the nuances of the words happiness and joy plus loneliness and solitude.  They could actually be considered as complete antonyms.  If you Google these words, you will likely find them in a Thesaurus listed under the category of synonyms or comparable words.  But in my experience, I consider it good human psychology to differentiate both pairs of supposed synonyms in the interest of good emotional health.

At any point in our lives, if we focus on happiness as a cure for loneliness we will be left with a futile search.  Loneliness focuses on the pain of being alone, so it’s not uncommon for folks to seek a cure in quick, temporary, external, worldly fixes.  Joy and solitude can be found in seeking internal peace through self-reflection and focusing on relationships and the pursuit of making the world around us better than we found it.

The challenges of life and seeking happiness can sometimes be compared to a merry-go-round that becomes increasingly faster and faster.  The dark depression of languishing in loneliness can slow life to a standstill.  Both can drain your energy until you take the initiative to jump off, immerse yourself in the joy of solitude and recharge.  


Monday, June 10, 2024




I stumbled across this very apt definition of a circle of time long ago that “A circle is the reflection of eternity which has no beginning and no end.”  Consequently, ancient petroglyphs left etched in deserts and on all manner of rocks have survived over time indicating that mankind has related to circular concepts ever since our beginning.  They've been found in a multitude of burial mounds, possibly symbolizing the immortality of the spirit.  Even the ancient Mayans created circular long count calendars.  I mention this because after upgrading my iPhone recently, I discovered that it was necessary to unpair my previous iPhone from my electronic watch before it could be paired with my new one.  And somewhere in the process, I somehow managed to lock up the watch before I had finished the transition.

After spending too much time for even a retired person, I relinquished and called Apple’s Support line this morning.  Thankfully, the young woman that took my call was not only knowledgeable, but patient with my generation.  We had an amiable conversation as she walked me through a series of steps which I would have never maneuvered on my own.  As we neared our final destination to releasing the shackles on my iWatch, a wheel miraculously appeared on the screen and began a slow progression of turning on the wheel’s outer lights. The system was illuminating instructions being issued and completed to restore time back into my unstructured life.

 The circle was reminiscent of the Settings icon that Apple uses and the outer lights on the circle were slowly moving to complete this circle of time.  I’ve always had a fascination with circles and the 1972 release of the Harry Chapin song “Circle” immediately came to mind.  My technical support person had tapped into my iPhone for the fix with my permission and I mentioned the animated circle on my watch reminded me of Harry Chapin’s lyrics that

“All my life’s a circle,

Sunrise and sundown,

Season’s spinning round again,

the years keep rollin’ by.”

There was a long pause on the other end and my smart, young, support analyst remarked that she didn’t know that song or Harry Chapin.  I did some quick math in my senior brain and surmised that the song was released 50 years ago.  So, I suggested she Google the title later just as the long count circle of time was completed.  My watch sprang to life and we parted amicably as I promised to give her a great rating on the follow up survey.    

The annual seasons move from spring to summer to fall to winter as we complete one more trip around the sun and add one more candle to our birthday cake. We’re born dependent, experience childhood, grow to independent adulthood, then ease into old age and begin to circle back. Generation follows generation, one season follows another, and the years fly swiftly by, filled with happiness and tears. Only time will tell if it was time well spent.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


White Phantom Horses, Jamestown, NC

I woke up this morning a bit stiff after playing 18 holes of golf yesterday and then returning home to spend another four hours enjoying the arrival of cooler weather while working out in my yard.  With that in mind, it wasn’t a problem talking myself into driving to a local bakery for a bear claw and large coffee.  I passed through the neighborhood just as the sun had risen over the tree line and was casting its long horizontal rays over a neighborhood lake.

I had witnessed similar scenes before but this morning, like all mornings, was uniquely different.  So, I turned around, activated my emergency blinkers and parked by the side of the lake.  I was immediately greeted with a chorus of bird songs praising their Creator and celebrating the promise of a new day.  Their unique voices mingled across the placid waters, conjuring memories of entering Notre Dame Cathedral one Sunday morning in Paris and being blown away by the acoustics of the choir. 

And then it became apparent that a gentle breeze was herding white horses across the surface into a natural cove.  They were colliding and rotating heaven ward or back into the other direction away from me.  An occasional white horse made the U-turn in such a fashion that it evaporated into an upward death spiral.   The heat of the sunbeams ultimately dispersed the foggy phantoms as their dance is unrehearsed in shallow depressions and watery low lands.  And reflections of new leaf growth on the surrounding trees added an impressionist canvas to the overall scene.  A pair of Mallard ducks parted the still waters as they swam through the calm waters that remained in their wake.. 

I instinctively retrieved my omnipresent iPhone and began videoing and photographing the scene so that I took away only images in my mind and my trusty Apple vault.  That short glimpse of heaven was a wonderful aperitif before I had even enjoyed my first taste of coffee.