Saturday, October 12, 2024



Looking back over many moons of my life, it occurred to me that of the millions of images I’ve observed, the ones that still emerge are the ones that accompany impressionable feelings. Those feelings have been both good and bad.  I still remember entering a Thermodynamics class on campus as another student walked by and announced that President Kennedy had been assassinated.  And I remember an evening at the outset of duck and goose hunting season when the night wind switched to the north and I heard the gathering call of wild geese overhead.  

A young midwestern boy stepped outside in the sudden cold weather and gazed skyward.  And as the gathering dark clouds parted to reveal a bright harvest moon, the recognizable V formation of migrating geese passed under it, plaintively calling to one another as the bright city lights illuminated these adventurous voyagers.  I was accompanying my father and uncle on my first hunting trip in the morning and sleep was difficult that night, as the moonlight intermittently shone through my bedroom window and the calling geese never ceased.


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