Thursday, February 25, 2010


Sunrise Gull Flight--Wrightsville Beach, NC

This ‘lucky moment” was frozen in time at Wrightsville Beach on a chilly morning in late October. Every sunrise is a unique new creation that validates God’s continuous presence in our existence which then defines joy. This joy is lasting compared to temporal happiness which is based on fleeting life circumstances. The light that arrives on the wings of heavenly spirits symbolizes the light of hope that entered our lives on that first Christmas day.
May He shine His light on you and those you love and may your spirit soar with every new sunrise!
Luke tells us that an angel of the Lord appeared to lowly shepherds and announced the birth of the Lamb of God while the glory of the Lord shone around them. These shepherds may have supplied the lambs that were sacrificed in the temple for the forgiveness of sin. And the promised Messiah had finally arrived who would forever remain a substitute for those sacrifices.
May the good news of great joy the jubilant choir of angels sang that day bring you equal joy!
A central theme of Jesus’ teachings was establishing a “kingdom of heaven” on earth. His approach was a new way of living founded on love and a profound respect for one another. His teaching of the beatitudes informs us that being blessed implies living the experience of hope and joy in this kingdom. And Jesus brought the message into this world that this kingdom resides within each of us!
May this inner peace enable us to live a life of both success & significance.

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