Thursday, October 5, 2023




It’s been said that we have two births in life:  the first is when we are born and the second is when we discover why.  Friedrich Nietzsche observed that “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”   Hopefully, we discover this as soon as possible because the great Chinese Philosopher Confucius wrote clear back in 550 BC that “We have two lives:  the second begins when we realize we only have one.” Joseph Campbell has written that “The problem in middle life, when the body has reached its climax of power and begins to decline, is to identify yourself, not with the body, which is falling away, but with the consciousness of which it is a vehicle.”  I’ve always likened mortal death as a final stage rocket being jettisoned as the capsule soars off into space and our consciousness rejoins the ultimate sea of consciousness.  It’s always important to focus on the understanding that we’re not a body with a soul, but rather a soul with a body!   

Growing older needn’t be a phase of surrender or depression, but one of maintaining a positive attitude.  It’s a time of growing wiser.  A time to reflect on all of life’s accumulated lessons and learning to emulate all the positive people who have crossed your path that you admired and doing the opposite of the actions of people you didn’t respect.  You become more selective in all things and realize that it’s not only permissible but necessary to say no to some of the requests for your time.  It’s a time when life slows and you can stop living stories and start writing them.  We have to wear many hats when we’re immersed in life and competing with others for a chance at the golden ring.  It’s been said that your true character, however, is revealed when you’re alone.  Aging and time in solitude gives us a chance to live who we really are as a person.

When life slows and we realize we have probably lived more days than we have left to live, we begin to relish our time and savor the days more intensely.  We become selective of our contacts and migrate to those who have been strengthened in the crucible of life and know how to touch hearts.  We soldier on to be at peace with those around us and our own consciousness, understanding that forgiveness is available to all who ask and seek to live a better life.

 “We have two lives:  the second begins when we realize we only have one.”

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