Sunday, May 22, 2022


White Water Adventure

We all know and must accept the undeniable fact that all things change, including our lives, no matter how much we may resist.  You can run from life, but you can’t hide.  As life continues its never-ending march, with or without us, we can never cross the same river twice, for by then both we and the river have changed.  We took rafting adventure trips on the Colorado River years ago and experienced intervals of exhilarating white water rapids and calm waters.  The path of life is strewn with highlights and lowlights and if we’re fully engaged, we will experience them multiple times.  But it’s the one who’s fully engaged in the great adventure with battle wounds and character lines that matters.  It’s the one who tries and fails and learns the lesson and then tries again and again.

If we are fortunate enough to see life through to a rather complete ending, we should be grateful, for many are denied that.  Surviving into senior living makes us witness to many of the people that we care about having difficult times.  We need to remind ourselves that we are witness to the natural progression of life.  And we must live our own life as best we can in the process, understanding that you can’t pour from an empty cup.  We can do what we can and support others as the river continues to flow along and be mindful that there remains an eternal Life Force in the water’s midst that never changes which we can cling to whenever we enter the turbulent rapids.

This is the time to live our own life to the fullest while being sympathetic to others and showing kindness to all.  It’s a time to care about family, friends, passions, and living in peace.  It’s past time to live as our creator intended.  It’s a time to no longer waste precious hours on trivial matters or criticisms.  It’s a time to share the measured wisdom of our years with the unfiltered voice of our childhood.  It’s a time to expose wrongdoing and stand up for those without a voice.  We’ve accumulated a legion of life lessons that need to be applied.  Because life no longer waits to be silenced.  

We’re all here to help each other muddle through and walk each other home.      

This milestone post is number 1,000 of the journey that started ten years ago and over 100,000 page views!


Saturday, May 21, 2022


White Cloud Magnolia, Jamestown, NC

Pure white cloud magnolia conveys namaste,

the Life Force in me is the same in all.


Saturday, May 7, 2022


Delivery Box

Now that the COVID lockdown is abetting, it’s time to reflect on highlights of the experience.  There’s no doubt that my favorite outdoor activity was retrieving packages from the front porch and bringing them inside. 

Once inside, my favorite activity was deciding if I wanted to watch television in the family room or the man cave.  Then it was always an exciting challenge to watch either C-SPAN, Coin Collecting with Mike Mezack or reruns of National Geographic Paid Programming shopping segments to order more packages! 😉

Thursday, May 5, 2022


Blessing, Central Kansas 

Have you ever paused to consider that a special blessing you received may not have been of your own making, but from the prayers of another?