Sunday, October 15, 2023


BIRTHDAYS, Jamestown, NC

On the occasion of my October 15th birthday.πŸŽ‰

“Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”

—Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

The only two birthdays I’ve really acknowledged were my 16th for a driver’s license and my 47th which was my dad’s age when cancer took his life.  I considered that year the beginning of my gifted second life and I don’t count the pandemic years since I didn’t use them, so I’m really only 31!

The birthdays we acknowledge are really just an accounting of the number of times we beings on this planet have circled the sun!  I've observed folks that are old at 60 and others that are quite lucid and active at 90.  Critical life stages would seem to be better key indicators!  Examples might include born, walking upright, conversational, puberty, education, independent living, working full time, partnering, raising children, retired, physically/mentally impaired and assisted living.

Thanks to modern medicine and the miracle of mortal bodies that can heal themselves, God is revealed in our existence.  And we’re not left with imperfect scars, just character lines that validate a life fully lived. 😎

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