Saturday, August 21, 2021


Drive Thru, High Point, NC

I normally head out on a Saturday morning for a mind cleansing drive after picking up a rejuvenating coffee.  I lingered too late this morning and my first choices were slammed, but McDonald’s had recently installed a two-lane drive thru that looked reasonable.  They still aren’t as efficient as Chick-fil-A, but it’s an improvement as I watched a driver in the other lane with their arm out the window pointing at the menu while giving instructions to the formless Oz wizard inside the audio speaker box.

As I waited behind a seemingly driverless Flying Dutchman Toyota with a missing crew aboard, I did notice a small dog’s head randomly appearing over the headrest on the passenger side.  This ghost vessel did haltingly move forward when the traffic alternated between the two lanes toward the single-lane cashier and food delivery windows.  However, there was always a full car length left in front of the phantom land yacht.  Consequently, two consecutive vehicles from the other lane entered the single merge lane while I was blocked from placing an order once I finally crept up to the order station. 

There can be only three plausible explanations for what I observed this morning as I foraged for caffeine:  1) This car was equipped with the latest and greatest in driverless technology that still had a few bugs to work out in drive thru lanes or 2) The yippy little dog in the passenger side was actually driving a European import and ordering a supersized McTreat or 3) A very short human that actually moves among us was driving the Phantom Toyota and could not comprehend the intuitive concept of a fast food drive thru.  

We’re doomed.      

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